Sunday, October 02, 2005

A good day...

Here are some pics that I've taken during the Pet Fair at Mines Convention center. Interesting cats and dogs...
"Feed me... oh please... feed me... I'll do anything for food..."

I couldn't tell whether this was a dog or a freaking bear. Just look at the size of that thing....

Both the dog and owner are asleep. Yeap... that's a real dog alright...

Here's Marmaduke's and Scooby-Doo's cousin - The Great Dane...

Here's the cat section...

This kitty looks sad... and that's because it wants a home!!!

So does this one....

More kitties...

This is a Siberian Tiger.....'s distant cousin...

Puppies sleeping...


Out of place, but there were some iguanas too..

Here's the Mini convention....

And my favorite.. Beagles!

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